Thursday, March 27, 2008

Irish Expat in Buenos Aires: Government in Argentina extends LENT

Irish Expat in Buenos Aires: Government in Argentina extends LENT: "In a drastic measure aimed at tackling the widespread food shortages in Argentina, the government here has extended the religious period of Lent."


Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Hi Julia

Thanks for the plug!
I hear the strike is now on hold so we may not have to drink the Harpic after all!. Good job too as my brother arrives for 2 weeks tomorrow and I was getting a little anxious. Fingers crossed they sort something out!

Julia said...

You're welcome! Although only about three people read my blog.

Looks like we might get some meat back in the markets. I think they did it so the supermodels wouldn't start protesting next for being forced to eat carbs.

Hope you and your brother have a blast.


Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

If you're interested in more traffic register here

I've doubled visitors - still can't get them to comment though!